ISO 45001
ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management

Fostering a safe and healthy workplace
Excotek is dedicated to meeting ISO 45001 Occupational Health & Safety (OH&S) Management standards. We prioritise the wellbeing of our employees by implementing comprehensive safety protocols, risk assessments and continuous training. By fostering a safe and healthy work environment, we ensure our team thrives, minimising incidents and maximising productivity.
Scope of the Management System
The Management System helps Excotek to achieve the intended outcomes of our OH&S Management System, which provide value for health & safety requirements, our organisation and interested parties.
Consistent with Excotek’s OH&S Policy, the intended outcomes of the OH&S Management System include:
- Enhancement and continual improvement of OH&S performance
- Fulfilment of legal and other compliance obligations
- Achievement of OH&S Objectives.
It is applicable to the OH&S risks under Excotek’s control, taking into account factors such as the context in which our organisation operates and the needs and expectations of our employees and other interested parties.